Customers Rock!

A blog about customers, their experiences, and how businesses can make sure their customer experiences rock!

Now I’m It

Posted by Becky Carroll on January 4, 2007

running-traffic-sign.jpgOver the holidays, I was tagged by C. B. Whittemore over at FlooringtheConsumer (thanks, C. B.!).   I think this tag meme has been going around for awhile, so I will do my best to continue it!  Here are my “five little known facts”:

1. I am a rocket scientist; well, not exactly, but I did intern at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, CA during my college years.  I worked on Cray Supercomputers, which at the time were state-of-the-art multi-processors.  Pretty cool (and literally cooled by liquid).

2. I am a Brown Belt in Tae Kwon Do.  Someday, I hope to get my Black Belt!

3. I love to sing, and one of my favorite ways to sing is acappella (without accompaniment).  I sang barbershop harmony for many years with the Sweet Adelines, an international women’s musical organization.  I have also sung with several church choirs as well as the UC Berkeley Jazz Choir.

4. I lived in England for 3 years, when I worked for Hewlett Packard, along with my husband and two boys.  We just loved it there, as we had a lot of opportunity to travel all over the UK as well as the European Continent.  One of my favorite places was Brugge, Belgium, where they make some of the world’s best chocolate and best beer!

5. When I was young, I wanted to grow up and be a roboticist.  I read all of Isaac Asimov’s books as a youth, long before the I, Robot movie came out, and I really wanted to help develop the Positronic Brain and build robots.  For that reason, I got my Electrical Engineering/Computer Science degree from UC Berkeley.  I just went a different direction when I joined HP, as marketing was a strong pull for me, and HP sent me back to school to get my MBA.  But I still enjoy robots.

OK, that was me.  Now to try and tag 5 people who haven’t already been tagged!  My apologies if you have already been “touched”.  I don’t know all of you yet, but I hope to!

1. Kevin Hillstrom at MineThatData

2. Tammy Vitale, originator of the W-list

3. Patricia Seybold, who just came out with a great new book (this one is gutsy, as I haven’t met Patricia before!)

4. Doug Meacham at NextUp (a fellow WordPress blogger!)

5.  Kristin Gorski at WriteNowisGood (a blog about writing)

I wanted to include Mack Collier, Lewis Green, Andy Nulman, and Maria Palma, but they were already tagged. (as I said, this has been going around for awhile now).  These folks have all been very supportive of me as I have been getting going in the blogosphere.  Thanks, guys and gals!

5 Responses to “Now I’m It”

  1. Nicely done, Becky! I love acappella, too, but you wouldn’t want me to accompany you….

  2. KG said

    Fun, Becky! Thanks for the tag. Now I have to think of some really good stuff. 😉

  3. Ach! I’ve already done this! Now I have to figure out 5 things I haven’t told (or I could just refer you to my former telling). But I remember that I didn’t tell anything about my younger days….so: 1. I was adopted at the age of 6 weeks by my parents.
    2. At the age of 57 I looked up where I was adopted from and found the social worker had typed up 8 pages of information about my birth mother.
    3. I went from my birth mother’s arms to my adoptive parents arms by way of the social worker.
    4. I always thought I was Greek, but it turns out I’m Chec (and I don’t even know how to spell it) following my maternal grandmother’s lineage, not my materal grandfathers’ lineage (with Germand and English thrown in from the paternal side). I have had many Native Americans try to claim me as one of their lost children before I knew for sure from whence I came.
    5. I was a tomboy, and the only girl in the guys club on my street growing up.

  4. Thank you all for playing the game! And Tammy, thanks for still sharing even though you had already done this. What a trooper!

  5. […] then tag 8 others to share some link love and to share great blogs.  In addition to the “5 Things About Me” from awhile back, here are 8 more things […]

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