Customers Rock!

A blog about customers, their experiences, and how businesses can make sure their customer experiences rock!

The impact of blogging

Posted by Becky Carroll on April 4, 2007

blog.jpgI had a wonderful phone conversation today with Lewis Green of the blog bizsolutionsplus (he posted on it, too!), and it has me thinking about the impact blogging has had on me and my business these past months. 

Blogging has many benefits that both Lewis and I have seen since our early appearances on Mack Collier’s Z-list.  These include invitations to write, requests to review books, speaking opportunities, client leads, and last but not least, new friendships.  Many, many of these have come about only through blogging.  There are people who I now consider friends that I would not have known if it weren’t for this medium and my blog.  I am amazed at how quickly I have been able to swap ideas with some of these folks, both in person (Maria Palma, Stephanie Weaver) and over the phone (Phil Gerbyshak, Mike Wagner).  I have also met several only by email, but the interactions have been encouraging and helpful: Mack Collier, Gavin Heaton and Sharon Sarmiento (from our work on Z-list 2.0!), Drew McClellan, Tim Jackson (who I hope to meet in person soon, as we are both in San Diego!), CB Whittemore (who did a guest post for me!), Todd Andrlik, Kevin Hillstrom (where I am on his “Friends of MineThatData list”), plus my customer service blogging friends from CustServ, QAQNA, ServiceUntitled, and AllBusiness CS.  I know there are others I am forgetting…

I am truly grateful to all of you, and I hope to be able to personally interact with more of you, and my readers, over the coming months.

Thanks for the inspiration on this post, Lewis!

14 Responses to “The impact of blogging”

  1. Becky, I completely agree and look forward to connecting with the you and the San Diego blogging crowd soon. How cool that you and Lewis are working together!

  2. Hi Becky:

    Blogging is one more tool that has farther reach. In many ways it felt like a natural offshoot of how I have been working and operating with people for ages. The nature of being out there for the purposes of talking about self and business makes it easier to meet like-minded people. Whereas in business it is less obvious… maybe people do not give themselves permission to think that way.

  3. C.B., thanks for your comment. It is great to connect with blogging friends. Just a clarification: Lewis and I are not working together (yet) on anything, just talking and comparing blog impact. But, you never know! I would love to collaborate with some of you.

    Valeria, I think blogging is a natural medium for those of us who are already very social and chatty (or perhaps I am just describing myself!). My challenge in blogging is reaching people who are not just like-minded but those who bring a completely different perspective from my own. As more people start to blog, I hope to find new insights!

  4. Hey Becky … nice dual posting — it is great to actually speak/meet up. Obviously I face a few challenges in that department, but I have been testing out some new technology approaches. Even those small things make the world seem a lot closer.

  5. Becky,

    I enjoyed our conversation and look forward to many more.

  6. Hey Gavin! Thanks for chiming in. It is great to actually speak (or meet up when you are lucky)! I would be happy to alter my hours to speak with you; just let me know when. 🙂

    Lewis, I enjoyed it, too. I look forward to the next one!

  7. Nice post — you’ve done a good job of sharing positive information with folks. You bring together an interesting collection of readers, bloggers and topics, providing a unique and interesting point of view. Keep on doing a great job!!

  8. Hi Becky!

    I’m glad that we have met in person and have been able to exchange customer service ideas and stories! All I can say is that it can only get better. Keep spreading that positive energy!

    Looking forward to our next meet up!

  9. Becky- We have got to get together one day soon. HAVE TO! Ok, when is always the question though. I leave, again, for a week this coming Tuesday. There’s another trip in May, but only for a few days. May might be the month to make it happen. How’s May for you?

    Thanks for including me on this list of people- some very smart folks here, so I’m flattered.

  10. Kevin, thank you so much for the compliments. I love being as positive as possible (although there are definitely times I need to vent!), and I love my topic. Your contributions help make it great!

    Maria, I like your viewpoint a lot, so it was great when we met up recently. I am trying to get the next one set up, and I will let you know!

    Tim, if you would just stop leaving San Diego, we could get together! 😉 Let’s shoot for May, and I will publish it so any SD bloggers can meet with us. And don’t forget, Tim, you are on that list of smart people for a reason…

  11. Becky – it’s a pleasure to know you. You are a (customers) rock star! Keep making it great, and sharing things in such a wonderful way. I learn a LOT from you. Thank you!

  12. Phil, I learn a lot from you, too! You are a positive influence in the blogging neighborhood, and I thank you for that. I appreciate your comments!

  13. Hi, Becky! Sure great to be knowing you and all of you here in the blogosphere. I wish you could fly to Manila one of these days so that we too could meet up. 🙂 I myself am amazed at how people can be so nice and helpful here. I apologize sometimes if I go quiet. Honestly, I have not been doing the rounds of visiting blogs and sharing my thoughts lately. I should manage my time better. Keep the good vibes rolling!

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